Introduction ::: 7 Keys to Success ::: Conclusion
The 7 Pillars of Christianity
What Happens After You Win a Soul for Christ?
Do you remember Jesus' analogy of the Farmer sowing seed?
In agricultural when the farmer plants a seed and it germinates what does he do to ensure it blossoms and bears fruit?
Does he leave the young plant to fend for itself? Or does he nurture it until it's sufficiently mature to stand on it's own?
There's a vital principle in Network Marketing that every successful entrepreneur knows and practices... The Fortune
is in the Follow Up!
After you make your initial presentation you always revisit your prospect while your message is still fresh in their mind
and get them rooted and grounded in your company's philosophy so they get off to the best start possible for their own
In evangelizing the lost there is no difference. Taking special care of our new converts is vital to effectively building the
kingdom of God. We must get them rooted and grounded in God's kingdom principles as soon as possible.
How do we ensure they get off to the right start?
We Teach Them...
The 7 Pillars of Christianity
1} Fellowship
2} Feasting
3} Fasting
4} Spirit
5} Supplication
6} Sharing
7} Leadership
~ Fellowship ~
Congregating with Other Christian
Local church - Where should you recommend the New Convert to fellowship?
Each soul is like a flower and the Body of Christ is like a Garden divided into many flower beds
Each local church is like a specially prepared bed offering a particular type of soil for a specific kind of flower to grow in
Each person has to find the right flower bed to grow best in... As the Christian Worker that may be your own church or not
Encourage the New Convert to find the RIGHT place to worship for them... not for you or your Pastor
How to find the right local church - Ask God for direction on where to fellowship and be led by the peace in your heart
~ Feasting ~
Feeding on the Word of God
Teach New Believers:
The Authority of God's Word
The Bible is The Constitution of the Kingdom of God
Proof the Bible is God's Inspired Word
The Assurance of Salvation
The Covenant of Grace vs. Law
The 7 Biblical Approaches to the Word of God
~ Fasting ~
Unlocking Your Hidden Power Reserves
Jesus said to the disciples, "When you fast..."
He did not make it optional. He expected us to cultivate a lifestyle of Fasting and Prayer.
~ Spirit ~
The Person, Presence and Power of the Holy Ghost
Who He is - Almighty God - Our Mentor/Partner/Friend
He is to us what Jesus was to the Apostles - Just more effective because under the New Covenant He lives inside of us
transforming and empowering us from within
Why do we need Him?
For power to be an effective witness - He is Our Partner in Ministry
The 9 Gifts of the Spirit in Operation
How do we get Him?
His Indwelling Presence vs. His Infilling Power
The 9 Fruit of the spirit in manifestation
~ Supplication ~
Cultivating an Effective Prayer Life
What is Prayer?
Effective Prayer is a Tri-partite Operation Consisting of:
1. Talking to God
2. Listening to God
3. Obeying God
In Prayer God Will Give You 7 Things:
a) Answers to Questions
b) Solutions to Problems
c) Instructions to Obey
d) Correction from Errors
e) Comfort & Encouragement
f) Guidance and Direction
g) Revelation of the Past, Present and Future
Understand the 7 Different Types of Prayer:
1. Praying in Tongues
2. Thanksgiving
3. Praise & Worship
4. Petition
5. Prayer of Faith
6. Confession of Faith
7. Intercession
~ Sharing ~
Practicing Personal Evangelism
Our Goal is Spiritual Reproduction - It is the Prime Directive of the Human Race
Evangelism and Discipleship is Fulfilling Mankind's Original Mandate
It is the Prime Directive of the First Covenant - Be Fruitful - Multiply - Dominate
It is the Prime Directive of the Present Covenant - Go, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples
Teach New Converts to put this same Bible Study Course into practice
~ Leadership ~
Making Disciples
Evangelism is just Part 1 of Spiritual Reproduction
Discipleship is Part 2 which is really Leadership Training
God is the ultimate Leader so when we disciple converts and train them to imitate Christ we are really training them
to become leaders.
Introduction ::: 7 Keys to Success ::: Conclusion